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  • martha501

Home Affordability?

According to the US Home Affordability Report in its first quarter, housing was said to be slightly more affordable due to a dip in interest rates and the increase in house pricing being less than 2%. As of this recent report my question to you as a consumer and citizen, " do you feel that your future is brighter when you are working on paving the path to homeownership?"

Is this report taking in consideration some of the other outside expenses that have a significant dollar amount to homeownership prior to buying and after becoming homeowners?

I highly disagree with the report. I believe it's misleading to only base that homeownership is now brighter for future homeowners when the cost of every day living for every individual has increased, inventory is still very tight making it very hard to find the ideal home, changes to the industry as of late will make it more expensive to own a home as a first time homebuyer, in addition wages have increased slightly if anything at all.... Thoughts?

Spring coming to Colorado mountains
Colorado Mountains

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